Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Abundance Is About More than Money

We tend to think about abundance in terms of money, but we should think more broadly. Abundance can apply to relationships, health, security, love, peace, and almost any other intangible idea. 

We also tend to think only in terms of scarcity. There is never enough of these things, especially money. How are we going to draw them to us. This is one of the reasons for the appeal of the Law of Attraction. It is supposed to make easier the drawing of money, lovers, and other desirable things to ourselves. 

The real secret to abundance, however, is not in drawing to us the things we need but expressing them. The reason why this is true is actually given by the third law of physics: for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Most people think this only applies to physical things, but quantum physics has shown that it applies to action of any kind. What you express comes back to you. This is known as the law of karma, and westerners often poo poo this as some kind of eastern hocus pocus, but it is a law, and whether you believe it or not, it works and furthermore, you can't escape it.

It is like gravity. If you walk over the edge of a cliff, gravity is going to bring you crashing to the ground, and it won't be a good experience. If you have a lifting device or a parachute, you can avoid the damage that gravity would do to you, but gravity has not been suspended. You have simply offset the consequence of its action.

In the same way, the reaction we get from our actions is sometimes delayed, which is why we don't realize that some of the things that happen to us are the reaction from some action we took in the past. For that reason, we don't believe that such a thing as karma really exists.

We also see people committing evil acts with no seeming consequence, and conclude that they don't get what is coming to them, but we don't know what is going on in their private lives that may be repaying them in the most severe way.

The other thing that is important to note is that the reflex response to our action does not necessarily have a one-for-one correspondence. That is, you don't necessarily have to give money away to get money back. You may express kindness to others and find that money comes back because that is what you need in the moment. The Universe has a way of acting in the most appropriate way to meet our human need at the moment.

In subsequent posts, I will discuss applications of these principles in ways that will enrich not only you, but the world around you. Let me close by saying that the only way we will have a better world is to express it in our own life, and if enough of us do that, we will find the world of many will improve. Thank you for reading.

Abundance Is About More than Money

We tend to think about abundance in terms of money, but we should think more broadly. Abundance can apply to relationships, health, security...